Friday 12 April 2013

Messages Conveyed in Troy & The Iliad

In both the Iliad and Troy there were lots of messages conveyed to the reader and or the audience.


Take the film Troy The main message that stood out to me was that, no human is immortal even the the strongest of people are not immortal. Peterson demonstrates this in the film when Achilles group comes out of the Trojan horse and flees through Troy killing everyone in sight But Achilles only seeks Briseis . Will the Greeks are storming through Briseis is at the top of the palace praying to the god Apollo, When Agamemnon grabs Briseis and say’s that he will use her as a salve for eternity.

But Briseis pulls out a knife and stabs Agamemnon and kills him then as the guards of Agamemmnon approach Briseis Achilles appears and kills the two guards and saves Briseis. While Achilles holds Briseis in his arms, Paris appears with his arrow and shots his arrow straight into Achilles heel. Achilles takes a deep breath and falls.

The Peterson throughout the whole movie shows the audience that Achilles is immortal but Paris shooting his arrow into Achilles heel, shows us that even the greatest of warriors are not immortal.


The main message conveyed in the Iliad is that the Greeks are more superior then the Trojans. Homer demonstrates this in the Iliad when Achilles is to fight Hector. Hektor wishfully imagining that it might be possible to make terms with Achilleus but in the end resolved to stand up to him. But when Achilleus draws near, Hector is scared for Achilleus  and by fear he runs away, with Achilleus close behind.
Homer makes it look the Trojans (Hektor) is weak and scared of the Geeks (Achilles). This also shows that Homer favours the Greeks a lot more than the Trojans.


Both messages are different, in Troy it shows the audience that no one warrior is immortal Peterson chose this main message for his film because he make it look like the main character Achilles immortal till the end of the film when he dies. He wanted to have a big impact for the end of his film by making the main character die.

But for the Iliad’s main message Homer wants everyone to know that the Greeks are the best fighters ever and the Trojans are all cowards. Homer does this because he is a Greek himself.

1 comment:

  1. The message I took was a pitiful one

    " The honorable or strong are doomed, only Cowards survive and/or get the girl.
